As Everyone is quarantined and staying at home, here are some best exercise for HOME WORKOUT, by ABHINAV MALHOTRA.
An effective yet simple workout plan for the entire body must achieve two things –
Muscles worked : Glutes, quadriceps and core.
Variations : Bulgarian split squat, Split squat, Sumo Squat, Jump squat.
Form tip : Stand with feet shoulder width, toes slightly out and arms extended at the shoulder level. Breathe in and sit back pushing your hips back with bodyweight on the heels and come back up.
Muscles worked : Chest, front shoulders, triceps & core
Variations : Elevated push-ups, one handed push-ups, plyometric push-ups, hindu push-ups, dive bomber push-ups.
Form tip : Get down on all fours with hands slightly wider than the shoulders and elbows fully locked out. Lower your chest towards the floor with a minimum fist distance between the floor and chest. Push back up to the elbow lockout position.
Muscles worked : Upper back, biceps and core.
Form tip : Lie down with face up and hands holding the edge of the table, elbows fully extended to start with. Pull your body for full range of motion and lower down again into a starting position.
Muscles worked : TVA and all the muscles of the body contracted isometrically.
Variations : One legged plank, Stability ball plank, Moving planks etc
Form Tip : Hands on the floor (like you are about to do a push up). Ground toes on the floor and squeeze the glutes and core contracted.
Form tip : Place hands on the ground, throw your legs back to attain a plank position. Bring your legs back in, stand up and jump on the spot. Repeat
Air Squats x 20 reps
Push ups x 15 reps
Inverted rows x 10 reps
Plank x 30 seconds
Burpees x 20 reps
Perform all these exercises back to back in form of a circuit with little or no rest.
Repeat the circuit for 5-7 rounds for time.
This will ensure a comprehensive full body workout that improves your cardio and strength at the same time, without any equipment.